25% Complete (success)

You’re submitting a dua to the general Muslim community

How it works:

Community Duas allow for anyone in the world to submit a Du’a to a Pilgrim visiting the lands of Makkah and Madinah. We’ll do our best to get your Du’a completed by an active Pilgrim. You can also pay it forward to get your Du’a seen multiple times.

Submit a dua request

Write your dua request

0/100 words

What happens now?

We’ll submit your dua to the community for free. Once completed by a member of the community you’ll get a email confirmation that it’s been completed.

Get your dua seen by even more people

If you’d like to get your dua seen be more people then you can pay it forward using the button below. If you pay it forward, we’ll use our systems to send it to more people who are likely to complete your dua. At minimum, 10 or more people may complete your dua.

Powered By Pilgrim