Duas for good health should be a daily part of our lives. It can be duas we make for ourselves, our parents, children, family members, friends, or ummah in general.
They can lead a healthy and fulfilling life and bring us closer to Allah.
One thing each Muslim should understand is that while duas for good health can help them through some of the toughest times in their lives and painful and stressful illnesses, it’s important to combine them with remedies as well.
Our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has told us about several remedies and good practises that we can follow for different illnesses.
One example is honey, which is mentioned for its therapeutic benefits in both Quran and Sunnah.
Muslims are also encouraged to seek medical attention for any illnesses and health problems they might be facing.
Combining these efforts with duas for good health can be a strong reminder that everything is in Allah’s power, and we should always turn to Him in sickness and in health.
Most Powerful Dua For Health
While it’s hard to identify just one dua from the many found in the sunnah for maintaining good health, we have selected one that covers not only physical health but also the health of the senses, including hearing and sight.
Dua for health
The following dua was mentioned by Abd al-Raḥmān ibn Abu Bakr (RA).
He heard his father, the first caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) recite this three times in the morning and three times in the evening. He heard this from the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).
So, the best way to offer the most powerful dua for health is how it was originally done – three times in the morning and three times in the evening. It’s worth noting that this isn’t the only dua reported in that Hadith, but it’s the only one for good health.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“O Allah, make me healthy in my body. O Allah, make me healthy in my hearing. O Allah, make me healthy in my sight. There is no god but You.”
Allaahumma ‛aafinee fee badanee, allaahumma ‛aafinee fee sam‛ee, allaahumma ‛aafinee fee baṣaree, laa ilaaha illaa ant.
(Source: Hadith Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 701)
Why You Should Always Be Praying For Yourself And Someone’s Good Health
The most important reason to regularly pray and make duas for good health is that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) set this example for us.
A comprehensive supplication he used to make (according to Ibn ‘Abbas): “O Allah, I ask You for pardon and good health in this world and the Next. O Allah, I ask You for good health in my deen and my family. Veil my faults and assuage my terror. Guard me before me, behind me, on my right and my left and above me. I seek refuge with You from unexpected destruction from beneath me.” (Source: Hadith Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 698)
Health is also part of the overall well-being (Al-`Āfiyah), which the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) called the most important blessing. “Ask Allah for pardon and Al-`Āfiyah, for verily, none has been given anything better than Al-`Āfiyah.” (Source: Hadith Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3558).
In light of these Hadiths, it’s easy to see why a Muslim should always make dua for his or her good health.
As for praying for someone else’s good health, one of the important tenets of faith is wishing the same things for others that we want ourselves, including good health.
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself.” (Source: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 13).
Praying for someone else’s health is akin to making the same dua for yourself. Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “He who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his absence), the Angel commissioned (for carrying supplication to his Lord) says: Amen, and it is for you also.” (Source: Hadith Sahih Muslim 2732b).
These are compelling reasons for making regular duas for good health about yourself and others. One easy way to make these duas part of the routine is to add them with other duas you make after salah.
6 Other Powerful Duas For Good Health
There are many duas for good health. They come from both the Quran and Hadith.
Different duas have different practises around them. It’s a good idea to understand what they are and adhere to the original practises of offering these duas.
Having multiple duas for good health is a good way to invoke Allah’s blessing in different ways. So try to learn these duas and make them part of your daily routine.
Dua For A Healthy Recovery
This verse is part of a passage where Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) speaks about his belief in Allah and attributes all blessings, guidance, and protection to Him.
This is a statement of faith and also points towards a core truth that Allah alone has power over sickness and healing. No matter how we recover, whether it’s from medicine or therapy, the true source of healing is always Allah. This is why reciting this verse serves more than just dua. It’s a reminder of Allah’s power of sickness and healing and a strengthening of our belief.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“And He ˹alone˺ heals me when I am sick.”
Wa izaa maridtu fahuwa yashfeen.
(Source: Quran 26:80)
Dua For Shifa
This is one of the duas that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) used to recite.
This reiterates the point that all healing and removal of diseases comes from Allah. It’s one of the most commonly referred to duas for good health in Islam.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“O the Lord of the people! Remove the trouble. The cure is in Your Hands, and there is none except You who can remove it (the disease).”
Imsahil-ba’sa Rabban-naas, bi yadikash-shifa, la kashifa lahu illa ant.
(Source: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 5744)
Dua For A Long Life
The following dua comes from this Hadith: The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “None of you should wish for death because of a calamity befalling him; but if he has to wish for death, he should say: “O Allah! Keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me.’ ”
This points to a fundamental truth. Humans, in the depths of despair, might long for a dark way out. But as a Muslim, we should never lose hope.
This dua isn’t just for a long life. It’s for a good life, a life that’s better for us. A long life full of despair and wickedness might not be the blessing we think it will be.
So this dua is more complete. While it asks for a long life, it also (as it should be done) surrenders everything to Allah’s knowledge and wisdom.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“O Allah! Let me live as long as life is better for me, and take my life if death is better for me.”
allaahumma aḥyinee maa kaanat al-ḥayaatu khayran lee, wa tawaf-fanee idhaa kaanat al-wafaatu khayran lee
(Source: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 6351)
Dua For The Sick
This is another dua that comes from a Hadith: “The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: If anyone visits a sick whose time (of death) has not come, and says with him seven times: I ask Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the mighty Throne, to cure you, Allah will cure him from that disease.”
So, this should be recited at least seven times. When you are visiting someone who is sick, in addition to this dua for good health, you should also observe other good Islamic practises.
This includes comforting them, helping them with chores, and bringing them nutritious things to eat. Financial assistance can also be a great comfort to those who are battling sickness and poverty at once.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“I ask Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the mighty Throne, to cure you.”
As’alu Allah al ‘azim rabbil ‘arshil azim an yashifika
(Source: Hadith Sunan Abi Dawud 3106)
Dua To Help Cure Illness
No human is immune from illness, and a good Muslim should use an illness not to curse his or her fate but to become closer to Allah.
One way to do that is to recite duas for good health and strongly believe that good times will follow the bad ones.
The following dua comes from a Hadith narrated by Ummul-Momineen Aisha (RA). She said that “the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) “used to treat some of his wives by passing his right hand over the place of ailment and used to say” (this prayer)
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“O Allah, the Lord of the people! Remove the trouble and heal the patient, for You are the Healer. No healing is of any avail but Yours; healing that will leave behind no ailment.”
Allahumma Rabban-naas, adh-hibil-ba’s, ishfi antash-Shafi la shifa’a illa shifa’uk, shifa’al-la yughadiru saqama.
(Source: Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 5743)
Another very similar dua is:
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“Take away the pain, O Lord of mankind, and grant healing, for You are the Healer, and there is no healing but Your healing that leaves no trace of sickness.”
Adhhib al-bas Rabb an-nas, wa’shfi anta al-Shafi, la shifa a illa shifauka shifa-an la yughadiru saqaman.
(Source: Hadith Sunan Ibn Majah 3520)
Dua For Sickness And Pain
This dua tells us a lot about a good way of offering duas for good health. It starts by reciting Allah’s various attributes and invoking his mercy and power. It also asks for forgiveness. These attributes make this dua more impactful, more imposing. It’s a dua for sickness and pain but it’s also a dua for forgiveness. Reciting it repeatedly and making it a regular part of our lives can have several benefits.
The Hadith this dua is part of was “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: If any of you is suffering from anything or his brother is suffering, he should say,” followed by this dua. This makes it a dua for not just sickness and pain but a wide range of problems, losses, and sufferings.
English (Translation & Transliteration)
“Our Lord is Allah Who is in the heaven, holy is Thy name, Thy command reigns supreme in the heaven and the earth, as Thy mercy in the heaven, make Thy mercy in the earth; forgive us our sins, and our errors; Thou art the Lord of good men; send down mercy from Thy mercy, and remedy, and remedy from Thy remedy on this pain so that it is healed up.”
Rabbunallahul ladhi fis sama-i, taqaddasa ismuka, amruka fis sama-i wal ardhi, kama rahmatuka fis sama-i faj’al rahmataka fil ardhi, ighfir lana hubana wa khatayana, anta Rabbut tayyibin, anzil rahmatam mir rahmatika wa shifa-am min shifa-ika ‘ala hadhal waja’i fa yabra.
(Source: Hadith Sunan Abi Dawud 3892)
Summary – Duas For Good Health
Duas for good health can have a powerful impact on your condition, recovery, and even faith.
These duas keep reminding us that Allah holds power over health and sickness. It strengthens our faith (similar to other adhkar).
These duas can also make us more grateful for the blessing of health. The periods of sickness that punctuate our periods of health can bring us closer to Allah.
Reciting duas for good health when we are healthy and have no ailment can also strengthen our faith.