May 23, 2024

Travel Dua

Dua For Fasting Outside of Ramadan

As stated in the Hadeeth (narration) on the authority of Huthayfah, may Allah be pleased with him, Fasting is one of the acts of worship that atones for one’s faults.  For believers seeking spiritual development and divine intervention, fasting outside of Ramadan is an opportunity to participate in duas.  Recognising the Importance of Dua In […]

7 min read

By Zain Miah

7 min read

By Zain Miah

May 23, 2024

dua fasting outside of ramadan

As stated in the Hadeeth (narration) on the authority of Huthayfah, may Allah be pleased with him,

“The afflictions caused for man by his wife, money, and neighbour are expiated by his prayers, fasting, and charity.”

Fasting is one of the acts of worship that atones for one’s faults. 

For believers seeking spiritual development and divine intervention, fasting outside of Ramadan is an opportunity to participate in duas

Recognising the Importance of Dua

In Islam, making a dua is seen as a sign of one’s reliance on Allah (SWT) and an act of devotion. It represents a believer accepting Allah’s (SWT) benevolence and sovereignty when he fasted for Him, which are fundamental to religion.

People acknowledge Allah’s (SWT) infinite power and wisdom by expressing their needs, wishes, and appreciation to Him (SWT) via dua.

Non-Ramadan Fasting

All adult Muslims are required to fast throughout Ramadan, yet voluntary fasting has a value of its own. The Islamic faith strongly recommends that you fast days other than Ramadan, such as the White Days, Mondays, and Thursdays.

These voluntary fasts provide spiritual advantages and chances for personal development. Many people practice intermittent fasting, which alternates between eating and fasting times, to maintain good health.

Longevity, better metabolic health, and weight loss are just a few health advantages of this fasting approach. 

How to Offer a Dua for a Fasting Away from Ramadan

In Islamic culture, sincerity, modesty, and faith are necessary for making a successful dua while fasting. Making dua requires having a pure heart, concentrating on one’s aims, and having faith in Allah’s (SWT) kindness, which is similar to keeping a fast.

When making dua for fasting outside of Ramadan, paying attention to the appropriate wording, dua etiquette, and prescribed periods for supplication is essential.

Duas for Fasting Outside of Ramadan

importance of dua during ramadan

When fasting outside of Ramadan, several kinds of duas are prayed, including dua, for the forgiveness of previous transgressions, spiritual development and increased proximity to Allah, and fortitude and endurance to complete the fast.

1. Praying for the Beginning and Acceptance of Fasting

The purpose of reciting this dua is to ask Allah to acknowledge one’s sincerity of purpose and fast.

The translation quotes:

“O Allah, I want to observe a fast tomorrow (or today) in the month of. I beg you to acknowledge that You are undoubtedly the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.”

2. Dua for Repentance 

Muslims can perform duas to petition Allah for mercy and forgiveness, and they might fast to pray for forgiveness for their sins.

The translation of this dua is:

“O Allah, I beseech You for Your all-encompassing mercy, forgiveness, delight, and the highest form of worship, as well as for Heaven and defence against the Fire.”

3. Dua for Perseverance and Endurance

Muslims frequently recite duas to beg for courage, endurance, and patience to complete their fasts because it may be a physically and mentally taxing experience.

The translation of this dua is:

“Almighty, I beseech You for virtuous deeds, to shun bad activities, to show compassion for the impoverished, to pardon my crimes, to pardon my parents, to govern my emotions, and to direct my speech.”

4. A Prayer for Spiritual Development

During their fast, Muslims may say duas in which they beg for more faith, spiritual development, and a closer relationship with Allah.

The translation of this dua is:

“Almighty Allah, grant me trust that goes deep within my heart, assurance that comforts my heart, wisdom that directs my speech, and knowledge that illuminates my heart.”

5. Prayer for Good Protection

Another prominent subject in dua while fasting is the need for protection against wicked acts, temptations, and harmful influences.

The translation is:

“O Allah, You are my sanctuary from ignorance and poverty as well as my escape from the torment of death. You alone are the only deity.”

6. Dua to be Blessed and Grateful

Muslims can thank Allah for the bounties bestowed upon them and request further blessings for their family, the community, and themselves.

The translation of this dua is:

“All glory belongs to Allah, through whose will excellent actions are accomplished.”

7. Dua for Fulfillment of Needs

Prophet Musa (AS) said this in prayer. The translation of this dua is:

“True enough, My Lord, I need all the blessings that You might bestow upon me.”

Upon the recitation of dua, the following things happen in your life; 

  • Accomplishment and triumph.
  • Asking Allah to provide support and guidance.
  • Satisfied demands of every kind. For example, getting married, starting a business, getting a job, taking examinations, increasing your sustenance, being in excellent health, etc.
  • For important exams and interviews.

The Ways of Making a Strong and Successful Dua

  • Recognise the Effectiveness of Dua

It’s critical to comprehend the influence that an actual dua may have before beginning. There is a claim that dua can outrun fate.

Allah’s (SWT) might knows no bounds. Hence, duas can have immense power provided they are sufficiently persistent and have strong faith.

Anything that He wills will come to pass. According to Surat Yaseen, Allah SWT only gives orders when He wishes for something to happen and says, “Be,” and it does.

  • Recognise the Extent of Allah’s (SWT) Kindness

Allah (SWT) is compassionate. All of him is mercy. He will hear you first, whether you speak to Him in words or in quiet, that you should ask for His assistance.

Zakkariya (AS) is one of the well-known case studies of Dua that resulted in miracles on Earth. Allah blessed the Prophet Zakkariya (AS) when he prayed for his increasing age, wife’s sterility, and want for a son through duas.

  • Have a Fresh Start and Finish

It’s a good idea to start and end each Dua with “thanaaa ‘ala Allah.”

  •       Praise be to Allah (SWT).
  •       Offer prayers to the prophet Muhammad (SAW)
  •       Beg for pardon.

The dua below is Dua al-intifadah, a dua for fasting—sehri, which is before sunset and translates to “the opening supplication.” The leading translation is:

“As far as You have separated the East from the West, so far has Allah separated me from my transgressions. Please, Allah, purge me of my sins, just as a white cloth purifies from dirt. O Allah, cleanse my transgressions with hail, snow, and water.”

  • Indicate What You Require, Khushoo. Tell Him Your Grievances

Remember why you need him and what you need; all your suffering, anxieties, desires, and hopes gather in one place at a time. Make an effort to have a genuine khushoo (state of mind).  

  • Aim for Sujood

When you are in “sujood” during Salah (prayer), you are the closest you can get to Allah. According to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW),

Try spending that time talking to Allah alone.

  • Make Use of Appropriate Timings

You can address Allah (SWT) anytime, and He will always hear you. Dua’s likelihood of being replied to is higher at a few critical periods of the day. Make wise use of these windows of opportunity; for example, the interval separates the time when the prayer is held in the mosque (al Iqaama) from when it begins in Athaan.


According to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, if Allah receives duas in any way, they are guaranteed in three ways. In the afterlife, it may preserve an even greater good in Al-Akhira (the hereafter). Allah answers and gives it in Dunya (this life). Allah (SWT) utilises it to safeguard His creation against something of equal worth and significance.

Making a dua while fasting outside Ramadan that works requires patience, consistency, and sincerity. Believers should establish a regular dua for fasting practice as they supplicate to Allah with firm faith and confidence. Pondering the significance of the dua and keeping an optimistic outlook is also essential to fully reaping the spiritual rewards of supplication.

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